How To Change Your Twitter Handle In 6 Easy Steps

Can you change your Twitter or X account? Yes, you can change your Twitter handle at any time. Unlike Instagram, which limits you to only two changes every 14 days, Twitter has no limit on how often you can change your handle.

Your new username must be between 4 and 15 characters and can only use letters, numbers, and underscores. At the same time, each username is unique.

Please note: When changing your nickname, it is recommended that you notify your followers. This way, they can reply and send messages directly using your new handle.

How To Change Your Twitter Or X Handle?

  1. Click โ€œMoreโ€ On The Left And Select โ€œSettings And Privacyโ€œ
  2. Select โ€œYour Accountโ€ and click โ€œAccount Informationโ€.
  3. Confirm Your Account Login Password.
  4. Select โ€œUsernameโ€
  5. Fill In Your New Username
  6. Tap โ€œSaveโ€ In The Lower Right Corner

1. Click โ€œMoreโ€ On The Left And Select โ€œSettings And Privacyโ€

2. Select โ€œYour Accountโ€ And Click โ€œAccount Informationโ€

3. Confirm Your Account Login Password

4. Select โ€œUsernameโ€

5. Fill In Your New Username

New username tips:

  • Your username can only contain letters, numbers, and โ€œ_โ€
  • This username is already in use. Please choose another username.
  • Your username must be less than 15 characters.

If the username is already taken, Twitter will prompt you to create a new username. If the username is available, you will see a green check mark. Twitter will also provide suggestions for available handles.

6. Tap โ€œSaveโ€ In The Lower Right Corner

How to change your Twitter Handle on the Twitter mobile app

  1. In The Mobile App, Tap Your Profile Icon
  2. Select โ€œSettings and Privacyโ€
  3. Tap โ€œYour Accountโ€
  4. Tap โ€œAccount Informationโ€
  5. Tap โ€œUsernameโ€
  6. โ€œUnder โ€œNewโ€, enter your new username. In the pop-up box, tap โ€œContinueโ€ to change your username.
  7. Tap โ€œDoneโ€ In The Upper Right Corner

1. In The Mobile App, Tap Your Profile Icon

2. Select โ€œSettings and Privacyโ€

3. Tap โ€œYour Accountโ€

4. Tap โ€œAccount Informationโ€

5. Tap โ€œUsernameโ€

6. Under โ€œNewโ€, Enter Your New Username.

In the pop-up box, tap โ€œContinueโ€ to change your username.

If the handle is already taken, the system provides a list of suggestions for alternative handles.

7. Tap โ€œDoneโ€ In The Upper Right Corner

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How To Change Your Twitter Handle In 6 Easy Steps

2024-11-15 5:38:41

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